David Norton
Renowned Management and Strategy Thought-Leader, Co-Creator of The Balanced Scorecard
Dr. David P. Norton’s Key Accomplishments Include . . .
David P. Norton is founder and director of several organizations specializing in systems and processes to improve the execution of business strategy. Dr. Norton has founded and built a series of professional service firms during the course of his career, each focused on leading edge issues of management, from information technology and knowledge management to the discipline of strategy management.
A frequent lecturer and author, David Norton is best known for his work with the Balanced Scorecard, which has been the subject of many conferences and articles. He is the co-author, with Robert S. Kaplan, of eight Harvard Business Review (HBR) articles and five books: The Balanced Scorecard, The Strategy Focused Organization, Strategy Maps, Alignment and The Execution Premium. Dr. Norton’s books have sold more than one million copies in 23 different languages.
The Balanced Scorecard concept was selected by the editors of the Harvard Business Review as “One of the most influential management ideas of the past 75 years.” Dr. Norton was also voted as one of the “World’s 12 Most Influential Management Thinkers” by Sun Top Media’s Thinkers 50. Drs. Norton and Kaplan were honored with the “Champion of Workplace Learning and Performance Award” by the The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD).
David P. Norton is the preeminent authority, along with Robert Kaplan, on how to institutionalize strategic thinking using The Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Dr. Norton co-developed this extraordinary tool for defining and executing business strategy. He co-authored with Kaplan, the three essential books on The Balanced Scorecard. David Norton is also the co-founder, president and CEO of the consulting firm that helps organizations use the BSC successfully. In his presentations, Dr. Norton helps companies make effective strategic thinking and execution an essential part of their business, both at the top (through the equivalent of a Chief Strategy Officer) and throughout the organization.
An effective speaker who loves doing keynotes, David P. Norton is one of the most significant figures transforming business today.
The Execution Premium: Building an organization that executes its strategy
Most organizations have difficulty executing their strategies. Over the past decade, a new breed of organizations, using the Balanced Scorecard approach to management, has mastered this challenge. They have successfully executed their strategies and have created breakthrough results. From these companies, we have observed a consistent set of management practices. This body of knowledge for strategy management can be learned and transferred. In this session, Dr. Norton will describe the new science of strategy execution and show how you can build such a core competency for your own organization.
Translating and planning your strategy
The integrated strategy execution process begins with strategy development. Learn how to apply tools and processes such as mission/vision/values statements, SWOT analysis, competitive positioning, and core competencies to formulate a set of strategic directions.
Organization Alignment: How to achieve rapid results from your strategy
Throughout business history, corporations have attempted to unlock value by matching their structures totheir strategies. Two business models – centralized by function versus decentralized by product and region – proved durable for a long time, largely because the evolution of business organization was fairly incremental. But as the economic model changed over the past 25 years, problems with both structures become apparent and companies have searched for new ways to organize themselves. Dr. Norton will describe, from his new book, Alignment, how organizations use the architecture of strategic themes and strategy maps to overlay traditional organization structures with strategic focus tied to their management system.
Aligning your intangible assets
In spite of the critical role played by Human Resources, IT, Ffinance and other support functions in an organization’s strategy, research shows that two-thirds of support organizations are not aligned with the strategy. Dr. Norton will show how many organizations, using strategy maps and balanced scorecards, have created integrated planning and management processes to achieve this alignment and to achieve dramatic performance improvements.